Once installed, you can use it and start connecting to networks through a QR code and also generate them. You just have to hit Get and the installation will automatically begin. Therefore, you have to go to Start, open Microsoft Store and there search for WiFi QR Code Scanner. We recommend downloading it from there, as this way you will avoid installing software that could have been maliciously modified and could be a security problem. You can find it in the official Microsoft Store. To start using it, the first thing you have to do is download and install it.

However, for the basics, which is being able to connect to a Wi-Fi network through a QR or generate our own code, you will be able to do it from the basic and free version. It has both free and paid version, where you will find some additional options. The program you can use for this is WiFi QR Code Scanner. You will have to install a program with which you can connect to wireless networks faster, but also generate your own QR code so that someone else can connect.

This is also possible in Windows, although it is not as common as in mobile operating systems.