Ring does not view or share a user’s videos that are not posted to the app without the user’s express permission or a valid and binding legal demand properly served on us. Only content that a Neighbors user chooses to share on the Neighbors App is publicly accessible through the Neighbors App or by your local public safety agencies. Users can choose to share text updates, photos and videos taken on any device, including but not limited to Ring’s home security devices. Only the content that a user chooses to make publicly available on Neighbors (by posting it to the app) can be viewed via the Neighbors App or by local public safety agencies. Users have full control of who views their Ring footage. We know that our customers place a huge amount of trust in us, and we have every intention of continuing to earn that trust. We will do so with our customers, their privacy and the security of their information at the top of our priority list. Ring will continue to innovate on behalf of our customers to help make neighborhoods safer.

By educating our users on why their post did not make it to their feed, we reinforce our guidelines and help our users make responsible decisions. When we deny posts as part of our pre-moderation process, we send an email to the Neighbors user who submitted the post to let them know why. Our team reviews flagged posts, and if the content violates one of our Community Guidelines, it will be removed from the content feed. Users also have the power to flag incorrect or inappropriate content on Neighbors directly in the app. We also provide guidance, encouraging users to carefully consider the behavior that made them suspicious of others and whether such suspicion is reasonable, and not post pictures or videos of people taken where they had a reasonable expectation of privacy without their knowledge or consent (for example, users should not post photos or videos of their neighbor’s backyard). Per our Community Guidelines, Ring does not tolerate discrimination, threats or bullying, and we encourage users to treat their neighbors (and those visiting and passing through the neighborhood) with respect. Our aim is to keep Neighbors content and conversations focused on crime and safety while allowing for constructive and open communication between community members. Before posting on the Neighbors App, be sure to view our Community Guidelines to see what types of posts and comments are permitted.